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Meet Our Team

EYFS Leadership Team

Head Teacher
Ms Stacey.JPG

Ms Stacey Myers

Head of Primary

Welcome to the Gulf English School’s EYFS Department, a vibrant learning community where every child, staff member and parent is valued and welcomed. As the Head Teacher, I am committed to creating a nurturing atmosphere where children thrive and develop the skills to become active, caring, productive and responsible members of society. We foster a love for learning and encourage lively and inquisitive minds that will last a lifetime.

At Gulf English School, we are dedicated to providing a high-quality education that empowers our students to become lifelong learners and responsible global citizens. We invite you to join our community and be part of the exciting journey of learning and growth at our school.

Deputy Head

Ms Ruhi Prasher

Deputy Head for KS1

As the Deputy Head of EYFS and KS1, I am dedicated to ensuring that children receive the best possible start in their educational journey. 


In our department, we witness firsthand the remarkable development that occurs during the early years. During early childhood, children's communication and motor skills flourish, enhancing their ability to express themselves and engage in meaningful conversations while gaining confidence in their physical abilities. 


They explore their identity, form relationships, and navigate emotions, fostering personal, social, and emotional development. Literacy and numeracy skills emerge as children recognise letters, experiment with writing, and develop a curiosity for numbers, shapes and patterns. 


They embark on a journey of discovery, investigating their environment, understanding basic scientific concepts, and gaining appreciation for cultural diversity, history, geography, and our interconnected world. Expressive arts and design enable children to unleash their creativity, imagination, and self-expression through music, art, drama, and imaginative play.


By nurturing children's development holistically, we lay the foundation for their well-being, academic achievements, and lifelong love for learning. It is a privilege to make a positive and lasting impact on their educational journey.

Ms Ruhi.JPG
Head of Year

Heads of Year

Dawn Forsdike

Ms Dawn Forsdike

Merle Humbles

Ms Merle Humbles



Our teachers are the inspiring force behind our students' success. They create engaging learning environments, cultivate a love for learning and empower students to reach their full potential. With their expertise and compassion, our teachers build meaningful connections, understanding each student's unique strengths and needs. They are dedicated mentors, shaping the educational journey and making a positive impact on students' lives.

Student support

Student Support


Ms Eman Afifi

I'm Ms. Eman Afifi, your counsellor, and I'm here to support you in personal, social, and academic development. Your happiness and well-being are my top priority, and I'm excited to be part of your journey at Gulf English School. Let's make this year amazing together!


If you have any questions or concerns about your children or know they are worried about school and need support. Please do not hesitate to contact me: 


Ms Kholoud Ibrahim Albughdady

Our school secretary is an invaluable member of our team, ensuring smooth operations and providing support with efficiency and care.

Ms Kholoud Albughdady

EYFS Secretary

School Clinic

School Clinic

The school clinic at GES is a dedicated space where the health and well-being of our students are of utmost
importance. Led by qualified healthcare professionals, our clinic provides a safe and caring environment for
students to receive medical assistance and support. From addressing minor injuries and illnesses to providing
first aid and administering prescribed medications, our clinic team is well-equipped to handle a wide range of
health-related concerns.

Our school nurses conduct annual basic health checks and organise workshops on various health-related topics
for students. They also collaborate with the Ministry of Health to administer required vaccinations and checks as
mandated by the Ministry. Ensuring the well-being of our school community is our top priority.

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